Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stomach Bug 2011 Vancouver

Final report on the project "Leila" ...

Concluded the vision of the second trilogy of Star Wars these are the results. Well, in this picture I have of course ... Maybe I got involved a bit ' too?!?! ^ _ ^ It is truly a moment of Scazzi thesis je -.- not the fo 'more!

So then, Leila to see the film does not substantially glien'è screwed a chip only ... Excellent! But in the meantime I've realized that the Force is well with you ... 'Azz, I wonder how come I have not thought of before, and yet it is so logical. So now I have another house bunny potentially jedi. And as I said a little knowledge, take the pink lightsaber ... oO

Obi and Yu 'have seen the trilogy with minimum interest, but more than that shown by Leila in short, as both disappointed but different reasons: Obi because, as mentioned in previous posts, the character of Obi Wan in addition to being old, died as well ... It gave me the jettatrice ... Yumi wants to see well because now the tetralogy (it says so in ?!?!) Terminator ... While I have just bought the film Alien : has every reason to feel offended! ^ _ ^

I, in addition to bundles of braids on his head, well, I was unexpectedly moved when in the final scene of ' Episode VI - Return of the Jedi , I saw the spirit of Anakin Skywalker , which in this remastered version is patatone Hayden Stensen Christensen, the actor who played the prequel ... In short, a nice surprise, but not because it was the cool of the moment, but because after so much suffering, good review Anakin opened my own heart ... (Yes, yes, insensitive friends tease you! ^ _ ^) So: what I piantoooo!

Well, that the force be with you ... I now vo 'at Burger King! oO


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