Friday, December 31, 2010

Example Church Anniversary Programs

Happy New Year to all of the Rabbit! ^ _ ^

The 2010 seems to be ending, perhaps there are already those who celebrate and those who are preparing to do it ... At the time my knowledge of mathematics and geography allow me only to find that missing here 11 hours and 40 minutes to the new year ...

I really is not much of interest to the festivities, even these days I always feel a little Grinch to send out Christmas and New Year at the Country Far, Far Away ... to deal with Shreck is that I need them to have a reason to celebrate or, as they say often just before Christmas, to be as good, here ... I think I'm very lucky for that, not everyone can afford it ... And I'm proud ... Although the Christmas period then I should be getting a little 'closer.

So this year I renew my congratulations, not New Year, but the good life to all ... Who has learned to viversela in 2010, who will learn in the course of 2011 and subsequent years, but especially those who can not viversela would still like ... To those who struggle every day for the necessities of life and the realization of their dreams, in my warmest greetings and my greatest esteem.

Finally, I would like to point out that the Chinese horoscope is the Year of the Rabbit (from 3 February to be precise ...) Do you think that a news like I could go inosservata? ^_^ Eh eh eh... Direi che non c'è altro da aggiungere... come una tesi nell'anno del Coniglio... Ih ih ih!! ^_^

Monday, December 27, 2010

Our Daily Poison Marie Monique Robin Watch Online

32barra ^_^...

Aspettando le foto della festa 32barra3, di cui vorrei raccontare in un post a parte, ecco che tra un fazzoletto e l'altro (moccio imperversat...) è arrivato anche il giorno ufficiale del mio comple... Avrei preferito non portarmi dietro l'Alien, ma, sebbene un po' brontoli, non mi scoraggio!! Con tutta sincerità vorrei sciogliermi in una doccia calda calda, ma non so se l'effetto possa essere effettivamente rigenerativo... Ih ih ih!!

Intanto sono qua nel living room with Irene and Yuri gatita ... All other work or "cole" (the school of my beautiful granddaughter!). I try ... That does not make as Trieste "Zerche me," but you'd be ... Uffaaaaaa: I can go directly to tomorrow?!?! Not for the compliment, I would rather celebrate super ... But today I had to give moments of Alien ... chills?!?! And what about ***!!

Ok, I guess I'll jump in the pool, waiting for better times and super-nasal voice singing "Happy Birthday to me!" ^ _ ^

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Get Sick Frequently Hiv Early

Feliz Navidad! ^ _ ^

Friday, December 24, 2010

Supplemental Money For Maternity Leave

"Il Verbo di Dio abitò nell'uomo e divenne Figlio dell'uomo per abituare l'uomo ad ospitare Dio e abituare Dio ad abitare nell'uomo" (Ireneo di Lione). A tutti i migliori auguri dalla presidenza nazionale!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Good Effects Of Abortion

Now it's Christmas! Challenges

This was an intense time ... few days, so many emotions, one thousand beats of the heart ... and one great love.
Santa Claus this year it has complied with my requests! How nice it can SHOUT!
And beyond to fulfill my request, I was also surprised with the wonderful expression of affection of a friend, companion of tears and smiles, affection breaks out in silent embrace that say a thousand words.
Oh yes, this year Father Christmas has passed and I believe that La Befana will continue its work.
Best wishes to you all, this is a Christmas of joy and affection, flavors and fragrances, surprises and traditions.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Enlarged Indian Boobs

Fly me to Marbella sky high! ^ _ ^

So then, certainly so far this December 2010 is being presented as the least productive months of my blog, which I did not expect it myself, but surprise, surprise it seems that at least my view has reached its desired conclusion so ... Well, if I do not write on one side, write the other, no?!?! ^ _ ^

Honestly, it was all a hold on the past few weeks, because of the schedule pre-departure, pre-graduate, pre-battered chestnuts of all kinds, but now, and finally, that are in Marbella for enter as soon as possible in a "rest" to recover the fatigue the last few months ... I must admit I feel all that ... I think I have never been so productive in my life, and despite the fatigue, I always really want to work, the better to create ... And when I'm tired, but I would like to continue in my work, here in a bit to not get angry, as I understand it's time to pull out and rest a while '!

Even this morning I am making paperwork with the maps of the thesis, because just the other night, even from my room purple of Trieste, I found a curious map of the Monastery of Aquileia in 1887 with many, to be exact, 32, beautiful (but only in my eyes, I think) in my own beloved graves braida of Pila. Then a little 'work and some additions to the thesis, but in stand-by, because otherwise I can definitely nun je ago' !

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gpsphone Smaragd Cheats

We can fight anyone, with the hope and the chance to win, but we can not rage against life, because the will always win.
against her can only strive to play a better game.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Witty Wedding Invitation Quotes

32barra2 ... ^ _ ^

What the festivities begin! Eh eh eh ... Missing a week of my birthday and I'm already at the second party ... Orpissimo! But when ever?!?! After the Friday night with the boys fencing, that's a call to my closest friends, two bastions of my life in Trieste and Rome, or simply in my life.

Once alone with Obi, Leila and Yu ', I was happy, happy to have spent a wonderful evening surrounded by the simplicity of a pizza on cardboard, a few beers, a coca-cola cake and the classic final ... Yeah yeah, I was touched by the heart pounding. Friendship is a very special gift ... ^ _ ^

Friday, December 17, 2010

What Are The Effects Of Caned Corn?

Neveeeeee! ^ _ ^ Dear Leila

And finally, here came the snow! Rabbits in the garden and on ... Eh eh eh! Objectively Leilina beautiful there got nothing left petrified by the new location, but perfectly photogenic ... Her beautiful, I love! While Yu 'ran like crazy to make real leaps and look for the little bunny' of grass not yet whitened, he appreciated his tantissimo, tanto che mi sa che la riporto giù!! Obi invece cercava di togliersi la neve da dosso ogni due minuti, a sgrollarsi sta roba bianca e pulirsi le zampine sante!! Tre pelosi, tre mondi a parte... Vi amo!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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meetings of 18 and 25 November

Freedom in philosophy

In the first meeting we discussed how the concept will emerge in the discussion of St. Augustine, then move on to consideration of future contingencies in Severinus Boethius and ethics based on the intention to Abelard.
We then switched to reflect the vision tommasiana free will and its difficult synthesis between voluntarism and intellectualism to reach the radical voluntarism that emerges in minimalism Occam.
after the second meeting shows praise of human freedom in Pico della Mirandola and astrological determinism of modern times we have gone Pomponazzi , The voluntarism of Descartes and the various forms of determinism that arise after the scientific revolution like those of Spinoza and Hobbes, which have a large following even the French Enlightenment.
We concluded by outlining the Kantian solution that while not denying determinism "phenomenal," says the need to postulate the existence in practical matters of free will.

Nicholas Bonetti

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Circular Brown Bugs In Cupboard

I write ...

Ebbene si principessina bella, devo ammettere che il tuo malessere dell'altra settimana mi ha fatto riflettere parecchio sebbene i pensieri erano sotterrati ben bene da motivazioni non giustificabili. Non c'è niente che giustifichi il mio trattarti in maniera diversa da Obi e Yu', e mi dispiace averlo scoperto o meglio ammesso solo ora, a tratti ne ho avuto il sentore, ma effettivamente solo questa volta con la malattia (ammazza che melodrammatica!! ^ _ ^) And close your Obi, I realized how different my relationship with each of you.

I think this stems from the fact that I was able to give you the attention that I wanted when I decided to take you home with me: the impending arrival of the litter after a month of your arrival sent my attention on the puppies, and maybe you maybe you had to grow up too fast (yeah, I'm really melodramatic!). But it is true, as I write, I live with these two emotions in the eyes tear.

You know, I remember the day you left again just you and Obi, for As sorry for giving away the puppies, on the one hand I was happy, finally back to us, you know, the family that I had wanted to step by step, without those 6 little adorable and unexpected that wander around the house. Yes, I was still glad I was glad to finally have time for you, as the day that I saw for the first time and I was really sure I want you also to my family ...

But now your time you were somehow taken back by the arrival of Yu '... In short, we both know how it went, and is not a question of more or less well, but I think you take something away again, yeah, those new attention you needed, and that I have given the turnovers of a helpless waif, that is your daughter! Already at that time you Bachetta with fury because you had to immediately get along with her. God only knows what I'd say if I had the gift of speech, but even that unforgettable bite me speaks volumes on the tit ... ^ _ ^

Well, it's been a while, the territorial and chased furastiche pee behind Yu '... But now I realized my mistake and your state of mind, and then thinking about it, I wondered for years why you had your nose perpetually sad, I think it was ever a question that took me more than to find answers to the vet when you took your homeopath for those watery eyes so often, he said, "You should directly ask because she is sad. "And more or less took me a good year to finally understand ... In a way I snubbed and belittled, because pretending that you already know some things. Small ... Sorry!

Now that I understand, will not happen again, I promise. Although I always need a helping hand in order to be able more caress all three at once, I promise you that from today I will find all the time you need!

I love you, Leilina beautiful!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Spanish Sypathy Saying

Ronfi: the rest of Leila! ^ _ ^

B! shooting from the side! What codinoooo ... And zampotteeee! I adore you, beautiful mother! ^ _ ^

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Where Can I Buy A Navy Neckerchief

press release 1dicembre



Tuesday, November 30 has been approved by the House the draft law on rules for the organization of universities, academic staff and recruitment, as well as enabling Government to enhance the quality and efficiency of the university system, which will land in the Senate on December 9 .

FUCI recognizes the malaise of the Italian university and its urgent need of reform, a reform that does not consider it as a mere item of expense, but is willing to invest in it, recognizing it as a key resource for the country . But more than that our university system needs attention of a political class that cares the future of youth and education, because the future of our country go from there, from university classrooms.

We express our support for all those who, having at heart the situation of the University, are found these days in many Italian cities, to peacefully demonstrate their opposition.
At a time when it should no longer be necessary to resort to violence to assert their rights, we consider it necessary to stigmatize any form of gratuitous violence, we are convinced that only through dialogue can be born healthy and strong legacy for future generations and that the violence nothing remains except the negative roots. Employment is a novelty of the artistic heritage of monuments - the Italian cultural: it is a definite signal to spread from the enhancement of cultural richness for the whole country?

These events attract liability to those who should have discussed before and at different times these draft laws. And 'controversial in fact the political expediency of a reform adopted in a period of great political uncertainty and on the eve of a vote of confidence. And if the university has become the field of conflict and revenge among political parties and corporations, we do not we are. Instead, we are in favor of a mobilization that will shake the torpor of a country that does not consider the university as a "question" of all.

Concerning more specifically the bill, given the linear cuts of resources from the Minister Tremonti, the law mandated the government delegation, the regulations that universities should draw up, as we note the proposals contained therein are in fact at risk of partial implementation.
We may, therefore, to express a final view after the approval in the Senate, but we can highlight some critical points.
The system of research assessment: the text makes no clarity on the criteria that will be used to check the efficiency of teaching and research by the Ministry and ANVUR.
term research: the anticipation of so-called system of "tenure-track" that would allow researchers, after a period of up to 6 years, to become associate professor, contrasts with the lack of resources devoted to these research contracts. What could be a standard of excellence and innovation in favor of the most talented researchers, is in danger of turning into an ax against them in case they are not the resources they need.
Right to Education: A broad delegation to the government clears the requirements to enhance meritocracy and make effective the right to study, without any effect on the Fund that was established by the reform is nothing but a empty container.
Governance: the entry of elements from outside the university in the Board of Directors of the different universities will have to be balanced by a clear definition of roles, powers and composition of the two governing bodies: the Academic Senate and Board of Directors. In fact, the bill underestimates the difficulty of finding independent figures available to take responsibility for administrative management Universities. We also need to enhance student representation in these colleges.
Availability of funds: a reform that could be defined as serious and viable requires certain funds and economic resources. As in other European countries the tendency is to not touch the items of expenditure on education, especially in Italy are the School and the University to be affected by the cuts made by the Government. The lack of availability of finance makes a lot of empty statements contained in the text of the reform.

From university students are not willing to remain passive in the face of deadlock prevailing in, for too long, the Italian university, nor are we inclined to reject any proposal that is submitted. 'S why we ask the Minister of Education to establish a table to bring together representative groups, political and non-university students to jointly develop and careful series of steps that allow a rebirth of the University. Those with public responsibility to create the conditions for democratic debate and careful and inclusive.
We are convinced of the need for such an instrument and that is why we turn directly to the Minister Gelmini, which we ask: "Called immediately this table. Not tomorrow but today. "

path of conciliation, a
- 00193 Roma Tel

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While today, Thursday, November 25, continues in plenary consideration of the bill, approved by the Senate, and proposed legislation on standards for the organization of universities, academic staff and recruitment, as well as enabling Government to enhance the quality and efficiency of the university system (approved by the Senate), the FUCI continues to follow with deep sympathy and heartfelt concern about the parliamentary process, the initiatives connected with it, the mobilization of the academic world.

Across Italy rampant protests from various forms, some salt on the roofs, who stops at airports, who promotes and participates in meetings and at the table for discussion and reflection. The attack yesterday, Wednesday, November 24, al Senato della Repubblica da parte di alcuni studenti costituisce un atto di gravità inaudita, contro ogni senso civico. Siamo convinti che una siffatta esplicitazione della protesta finisca per scadere in vandalismo ed inciviltà, assolutamente inconcludente e, anzi contro il principio che dovrebbe muovere chi esprime una critica, chiedendo ascolto, possibilità di esprimere la propria opinione e rispetto.

Da giovani universitari che amano il loro Paese non rimaniamo passivi spettatori della condizione in cui versa l’Università italiana ma allo stesso tempo non siamo inclini a seguire gli slogan del momento o a demolire proposte e Istituzioni. La passione che nutriamo per l’Università ci chiede un’attenzione e una cura maggiori volte ad animare una critica costruttiva fatta di studio e di confronto. Il numero monografico settembre/ottobre 2010 di Ricerca, il bimestrale della nostra Federazione, cui hanno contribuito docenti e studenti e dedicato all’università, alla riforma, al confronto del sistema italiano con altri in giro per il mondo, all’orientamento e alla scelta universitaria, si pone nel solco di questa consapevolezza.

A noi preme ricordare e rendere protagonisti, in questo grave momento per l’Università nel nostro Paese, tutti gli studenti – davvero molti anche quelli aderenti alla nostra Federazione – che dal nord al sud d’Italia sono ancora pending the start of their lessons. A situation of absolute seriousness that compromises the effectiveness of the right to study.

express our disappointment that there is talk of reform by putting his hand to a large cut of resources and consider the University as an expense item and not as an investment for our country and ask, renewing our readiness participation, to reopen a dialogue between institutions and members of academia, including students.

At this time in the House, the amendment in amendment, the text is undergoing extensive changes. This is a clear sign of a split on the subject of strong universities. We hope instead we can find a serene and peaceful work, leading to a full and unanimous agreement on amendments to the text of the bill. Unfortunately, the situation is very confusing and the uncertainty of contingency policy is likely to affect the outcome of the parliamentary work on a topic of great significance for the present and the future of our country.

path of conciliation,
1 - 00193 Roma Tel

Word For Enlightenment In Islam

Let us pause a moment ...

my boys, but where will it end? Question of fact? Yes, maybe, but never was more suitable to describe the period in which we live ...
I turn on the TV and hear of this poor girl, Yara, who did not return home from the hall where he trained in rhythmic gymnastics. Of course my mind immediately goes to Sarah, the other teenager disappeared, which we now know the sad end.
And husbands who kill their wives, mothers who kill their children, trusted friends who are guilty of some kind of brutality ...
But what happens? Maybe the world is running troppo veloce e noi non riusciamo ad adattarci realmente a ciò che offre?
Emancipazione, libertà, indipendenza... Forse quando questi erano solo concetti astratti ognuno conosceva il proprio ruolo e la propria strada e non se ne discostava. Ora le opportunità sono molteplici, così come le reazioni...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Apology Letter For Dog Behavior

Ro 'and his team

I must admit that despite the difficulties, last week I have a great team, excellent indeed! ^ _ ^ Yeah yeah yeah ... I am very proud of the elements that make up my team, but team understood as those of the various departments of the FBI, huh ... Because they may be difficult individual cases are resolved together, each with its own way of seeing things, which captures nuances that another might not notice, and comparing ... So you get to draw the profile of the S. I. (Unknown Subject ... Yes, I got a second set of "Criminal Minds" and now the vocabulary of the series is familiar to me!)

I, Obi, Leila, Yu ', Apuleius, Donkey and Irene ... Irene seems a bit 'Garcia, because of its contribution from afar! ^ _ ^ With well as video conferencing ... Ah ah ah!

Comuque "Criminal Minds" on hand, now more than ever I felt like a team with Obi, Leila and Yu '... Really! These days everyone has played a key role to advance the cabin, if one is ill, the others have the means to replace it until it is needed. Of course we are not irreplaceable, but each has its own added value that makes it unique and makes it unique team! So much so that we can juggle well between theory and various ailments, so now I'm the one with all incerottata neck to pieces ... But it's worth it, because the hard work has been completed!

Now the holiday is definitely deserved, despite Apuleius and Donkey are running like crazy with bandages and plasters to help me! Yeah yeah, I get: rest, I have to be at rest, I just need to relax a bit '... ^ _ ^

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Son Wants To Wear Girdles

And after Obi, Leila ... Sgrunt!

Obi Monday night is finally getting well: evidently he realized that spending the night under observation in cages is not so cool, so it day after day they arrived here that the much expected improvements, so that last hour and the super sboroncello is active to 1000% ... is definitely back to being the usual Rompin curious always! Danger escaped, but the quiet is very little time ...

is that on Tuesday morning to breakfast in contemporary official Obi, Leila is not a roll call ... Nothing furastica race to the cage, no running behind Yu ', nothing Leila!

Leilaaaa ...
Leilaaaaaaaa ...

You can not, my first thought is "but I wonder why all the captain to me." Back to square one.

First: leilino observation of behavior during the day. Although she does not eat, but the reason I just do not understand, at least Obi took a hit to the jaw ... But I'm not discouraged. In

secundis (although I'm not convinced we say so): remember the pain of staying the course of Obi. How many days was totally picky? When he gave the first signs of improvement?

In Terzis (they are less sure that we say so!): What about me? How did I feel badly affected the Leila? If a psychosomatic reaction to part of Obi I expected, definitely not by Leila! Eh eh eh, Leila great to not be so obvious ... But what makes me vex! In

QUARTIS (ah ah ah ah! ^_^): Still call the vet to ask the Blessed response to some of my doubts, because the first thing I thought, beyond the stroke of Obi, I thought of a virus, 'flu, as this chronicity of events seems to me its funny! But clarissimus said no, that can not be!

Meanwhile, here we are on the second day of fasting Leila, I tried to give something to eat, even the Critical Care is pleased that both Obi, but the dish did some flights ... Leila never seen so pissed off against an inanimate object with the jelly inside! Ohiohi, the question is really serious ...

Ambaradan Yumi And in all this is very good, is getting the best out of themselves, beyond the fact that I greatly excited to not have anyone that runs dientro during the day ... Yeah yeah yeah, Leila's disease is a panacea for small-Yu 'that you hear almost on vacation and even a bit' (a lot) landlady, in its majesty is spaparanza on the carpet in the evening and always super proud to recall of baby food do you find puffed up and ready at the door of the cage! Good life, Yu! Who knows how long? ^ _ ^

Sunday, November 21, 2010

90's Fashion Leotards For Women

really like to be pampered? What

(Obi post for which the patient enough imagination ... o_O)

So do I and you are Marie King, okay? VA BENEEEEEEEE?!?! Argh ...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Cartier Paris Quartzswiss20 61323

meeting of 11 October 2010


shall examine the criminal law, in particular crimes of murder (art. 575 cp), murder of consent (art. 579 cp), instigation or assisted suicide (art. 580 cp), the problems of suicide and euthanasia, and the legal consequences of infection with HIV.
First of all, what emerges from our legal system is the absolute unavailability of human life. A key aspect of this prediction is not written, it is certainly the provision for voluntary homicide. Even the arrangement of the murder of consenting reaffirms this approach, while allowing consent to the killing of his own person, as a feature that can significantly influence the treatment of sanctions against the guilty. That's the minimum set out in Article twenty-one years. 575, is passed to the gap from six to fifteen requirement laid down. 579. The agreement, noted, must also appear as a personal, real, thoughtful and timely.
Passing on the side of suicide, our system does not incriminate her attempted form. It does, however, the provision of art. 580 (instigation or assisted suicide), capable of reconciling the above attempted suicide with the fundamental principle of absolute respect for human life. The behavior charged is just one who participates in a physical way (by providing the means) or psychological (affecting strongly the will) about another's suicide. If at this point connected with the said Article. 32, paragraph 2 of the Constitution (there is no obligation to medical treatment, if not expressly prohibited by law), it is clear that, if the connection between the individual to end his own life, and its practical implementation, any person not involved (unless, of course, the proprietor of life), the ordering is not reason to take action, shall respect the personal freedom of the agent. Conversely, if the process of formation of the suicide accompanied by external intervention or format, here then take over the criminal provisions.
The same article of the Constitution establishes the legality of euthanasia passive consent (suspension of a treatment that keeps the patient alive, with the consent of that). As for active euthanasia (deletion of human life by the acts), of course, there is no legislation is concerned, it is murder.
Finally, with regard to the consequences of infection with HIV, a key element back to be the consensus. The carrier of AIDS, aware of your country, must inform potential partners of his "illness", and obtain consent to carry out sexual acts, in this case, he will not impeachable, then if the infection occurs. The behavior that results certainly can not come in stripes (art. 581 cp); incorporate the crime of injury (art. 582 cp) only when the infection reaches the level of AIDS. Since this injury, although at a later date, could result in death.
recap: death as a result of the crime of injury, and then applied art. Cp 584 (manslaughter). What was said is absolutely valid, missing an adequate legislative framework.

Summary of Stefano Nannini

Friday, November 19, 2010

What To Write Inside Of A Card

Kaos! The long-awaited

Days and days spent on the thesis that seems to reach its long-awaited end, the continuous rain of recent days that puts a strain on his good humor and a pseudo spreading in the kitchen that makes me a glimpse of other movements of boxes in the house. .. And as if that were not enough Obi yesterday is suddenly a kind of hunger strike!

Obi ...

Hey, what are you doing? What's the matter? Ciccio why do not you eat? Are you hurt? Wait control ... Here I do not see anything, but you continue to behave in a truly strange ... Obiiiiiiiiiiii! Oh, damn it, do not you eat to their own, and as usual I always evil are on the threshold of the weekend! oO

After a nottattacia of hell in which I slept very little and bad, this morning I call the vet allarmatissima: 24 hours are not eating and it starts to eat enchanted. I have an appointment at 11 am, I'm running from the vet with Obi, my biggest fear is that it has hurt the teeth ... The vet reassured me: nothing serious, probably took a blow to the jaw, that hurt and scared, so afraid to eat, so little pinprick of pain and keep it under control until Tuesday.

Let's go home, I pour in style terms "mother after sleepless night, after dinner, I'll jump on the couch to rest, Obi the obligation to do sleep with me: you're sick?!?! So do you sleep with mom sick like all the bunnies! Yes, I know a bit 'to lie, but yesterday before starting to premurarmidi bad I thought of a psychosomatic effect to the fact that I carry with me in Spain for Christmas, mainly because even if I could bring a rabbit with me this time I brought Yumi ... Dual exhaust! So

yes, now, after checking the teeth from the vet, I am sure that the occasion is also Obi thief fell fell two nights ago, and taking advantage of the pain has uploaded a little 'thing to be the center of my attention and straccoccolare be (so you do sleep with mum! ^ _ ^) yes yes yes ... I know my chicken is a great actor telenovela argentina and this time gave their best evidence of the psycho-drama!

So much so that in the afternoon while I give him a bit 'chicory (Beth seems to be suffering from "Little Women" at the worst moment of the disease!) Yumi comes here to eat some' chicory also her, and Obi, well ... It seems to have all the forces and to blow her away! Performance that lasts two nano seconds and then return in the role of Beth sick ... oO

However we see that Bibino not at the top, but what I'm exaggerating scemotto! I love it ... ^ _ ^

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cheats For Kigb Pokemon Silver

hammock ...

Well, what can we say? Since he had seen on the Internet, I hesitated to buy it: a hammock for rabbits, ah ah ah, and then the rabbits that I have, is the least that they hammock, no?!?! So the big day finally arrived when we deliver the package at home ... Already I had them all around the mount to the test (chewing every part of course!) and looking puzzled in the style of Willy coyote I was wondering what life would be! ^ _ ^

The first to see Leila hammock was looking at me with eyes that sought confirmation "that's how you use it? Is right?'m Good ?"... In short, the usual princess a bit 'dumb, but always first in everything! Then it was the turn of Obi, which looked more like taking the measures of this new object is not yet well identified for home ... Finally, Yu 'which managed to take a seat on the coveted hammock only when the other two had left ... Poor little girl, I am a tenderness! Also by that pair of bisfrattata fetentoni that Obi and Leila.

Indeed when Yu 'is always the hammock is then sent away in shame and disgrace of one of the other two, who decided right then to enjoy a relaxing time on the coveted throne hammock ... Strompolotta home, but we want to bring out the temper and I'm a little respect us'? Mmmmmmmmh, I know that here it takes a little 'encouragement, and encouragement! My funny little head is thinking it over another of the devil ... Eh eh eh! But this will tell you again ... ^ _ ^

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hurt Ur Groin Does It Make Your Testicle Hurt

Lectio divina on the Epistle to the Galatians 4novembre

Lectio divina on the Epistle to the Galatians by Monsignor Fausto Tardelli

"You were called to freedom " by those who have been called? We were called by Christ, who takes an action of freedom, that makes us free in giving of himself in order to rescue us from bondage. It 's the gift of himself working man's freedom, is a gesture of love.
Slavery seems to be the Jewish legalism. Because the requirements are seen as Jewish? St. Paul recognizes that we can get by observing the law of the flesh. Slavery is what makes the flesh, that the man who, in his limited reality of the creature, it stands as a savior. The meat is presumptuous pride that is in you think you are already free, already saved, in whom is certain to be better than others who do not observe the laws and in those who feel entitled to claim because it keeps the law. This mentality is slavery from which Christ has set us free. The requirements create divisions, prevent the relationship with others. E 'lack of love, rejection of Christ as Savior.
Freedom is service through love. Love is the true freedom of Christ. For Paul, freedom is not free will, but love, communion with Christ and with others.
works according to the flesh are contrary to love. The fruits of the Spirit are above the law.
We can therefore decide whether to live by the Spirit or the flesh. The road that leads to freedom, as evidenced again in the last sentence of this passage from the letter to the Galatians, is life in the Spirit: "If we live by the Spirit also walk by the Spirit "

Serena Capodicasa

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training school in 2010 in Ragusa 29ottobre

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said South Male Pictures, contradictions, resources and hope of a land in search of an author "

" The future belongs to those who submit reasons for hope! "

"... Tell Friends and revenue , Ragusa received us well, with the affection of Ragusa that will never stop thanking the smile of the great Don Paolo and his quotes Tolkien, with all the hugs hive of Italy: we miss you!

'll tell you what it meant three days of Ragusa for "Lucca", but I think for everyone else, was enough to train with us on the trip back and hear a call from George to forge a possible future ... " Come to the meeting on Thursday 'night ... you must come, because we Fuci cambiaremo of Italy ... "

Enthusiasm to the stars, and perhaps too much hope but by a sense of what it means participate and dare I say enjoy an experience like that of a national appointment Fucino. Before I wrote

excess of Hope, was wrong, hope is never in excess, it must not be for us to be young "athletes" are beginning to run into the challenge of the XXI century, we who in the knowledge that, to quote Don Sciortino, "the stakes are great," must act with "courage and urgency" because only focusing on the fatigue strength but also the beauty of this challenge we will be really what Fuci has always been a thorn in the side of this thinking our country, a spur healing of our church and a yeast in our universities. "The Catholics open their eyes in search of good ", and notice will be Alberto, you are the scribes of our society to say it with Don Paul, who on the road to freedom, research, justice, and witness seek the common good, with sensitivity of its Christians, that feeling that someone who knows that you listen to the different, the interest is mitigated and the solutions are always looking for the style and method of those who have the truth in his pocket, but who is always and always looking for, the rest also to the question of Pilate Jesus "What is Truth?" did not answer, and offered himself ", leaving the question open to every man.

First, the duty of participation, the duty to get involved, the duty of "service", "a worthy citizen of that role, can not and must not ignore the public life, political life, of everything that concerns the Polis, everyone is active and alive, there is no community without human person and therefore do not have the human person without a community, without relationships, relationships and obligations!

Here is the example of the South, but not limited to, too many times in the past, the duty of "service" was an expression literally raped to cover the thirst for power and power, and perhaps the arrogance and violence, many political figures even so-called "Catholics" were presented to the election or did the government men with no scruples, a certain "practical materialism" in the words Lapira, for the souls of white Christians for fools who spoke in evangelical sense of service, and for the great witnesses of Justice, as the judge and Don Puglisi Livatino.

be sowers of hope, the same hope that drives the many associations in the South say a firm NO net and the mafia, I think of Freedom, entrepreneurs complain that the lace, cooperatives who work on land confiscated from the boss, the young Rosarno, but I also think the "State", all too often absent or tacit consent, which invece quando vuole c’è e riesce a assestare colpi durissimi alla criminalità organizzata come ci ricordava il Dott.Cisterna.

“…La fuci è sempre stata anticipatrice della Storia perché formata da menti amanti e pensanti individuando prima di altri sentieri percorribili per il futuro dei giovani,della Chiesa, del Paese…”, diceva nel 2007 mons. Russotto, e affrontare la questione meridionale ne è stata di nuovo la prova, perché dal Sud può e deve partire la rinascita dell’Italia di oggi,un sentiero arduo, chi ce lo fa fare?, direbbe qualcuno;la risposta sta nell’ imperativo che ci spinge ogni giorno ad essere impegnati come Federazione e come singoli, “ every Christian is called to bear witness always and everywhere ", testimony that has to be a reflection of the Faith, and then demanding young, like us!

We are beautiful and we are many, the future is ours, no one is excluded!

Mauro Bertucci

How To Tap The Other Mobile

Spying on Santa ... The Secret

Extend Outlets After Tiling

2010-November 1st meeting October 21, 2010

Freedom in art, music and literature

The first example that comes to mind talking about freedom in literature is " Jonathan Livingston Seagull" by Richard Bach . In it we find three kinds of freedom:

Part One: L Iberia : limits imposed by their nature, conventions, ruling

dizi: the search for freedom, here expressed through the metaphor of flight, is presented as una necessità per elevare la propria esistenza a qualcosa di più alto rispetto alla semplice sopravvivenza ricercata invece dai suoi compagni.Non essendo compreso questo suo desiderio finisce per trasformarsi in emarginazione e poi solitudine.

Seconda parte : Libero di.. . Essere se stesso, perseguire i propri scopi al di là di convenzioni e senza seguire il pensiero comune anche se ciò provoca l'allontanamento dal gruppo d'origine.In questa seconda parte la “libertà spiritual "also becomes" physical liberty "

Part Three: for Free .. . love, and then teach their peers to be free to turn through a volo.Ad initial difficulties and mistrust will happen then satisfaction and awareness on the part of the change brought by the new condition .

Turning to freedom of art we examined the Freedom shapes , ie the attempt to reproduce the movement beyond the nec Essar static nature of the visual arts and Freedom of composition of the Impressionists. In the first case we examined Apollo and Daphne Bernini, The discus thrower of Myron and Love and Psyche Canova's lying. As for the Impressionists, we analyzed " Bal au Moulin de la Galette" by Renoir.

Finally freedom in music. We discussed a few phrases of songs that echo the theme of freedom

Live, run for something, run for a reason ...
Whether the freedom to fly or just to feel alive ...
NOMAD - Freedom Of Flying

free to dream of lighter-than-reality

free to dream to live as we should

Free to dream about the future because of us that be

We are free to dream up the dawn of the day will

Grignani- Free to dream

Free free us
But free from what
who knows what? ... .... who knows what it is!
Vasco-Free free

Freedom is not star on a tree,
is not even the flight of a fly,
freedom is not free space,
Freedom is participation.

Giorgio Gaber-Freedom

We have also heard the song "Free " Fabrizio Moro.

In the discussion following exposure del nostro lavoro con la domanda "Quale è la prima immagine che ti viene in mente se pensi alla libertà?" sono venute fuori parecchie immagini come il mare, un luogo desertico ecc.. che hanno fatto emergere come ognuno di noi abbia la sua idea di libertà.

Cosa è dunque la libertà? lasciamo una finestra aperta sulla risposta ponendovi davanti una frase...

"Chi non ha scarpe non ha ragione mai...chi non ha scarpe non ha padroni rispondo io..." (Fiorella Mannoia-L'amore con l'amore si paga)

Serena Capodicasa

(report exposed by Serena Capodicasa, Chiara Tomei and Caroline Lucchesi)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Went To Bathroom And My Urine Was Black

Chi di voi ha letto "The Secret"? E' quel libro che dice di nascondere il segreto per ottenere dalla vita tutto ciò che si desidera.
Quando ho letto l'introduzione ero abbastanza scettica, ma ho voluto comunque dargli fiducia e ho cominciato a leggere...
Bè, la sensazione, unpleasant, is that the authors want to do a brainwash victim reader with phrases that repeat endlessly that recall some of the concepts sayings, like "God helps people happy," "Anchors Aweigh" and "Helped that Heaven will help thee. " The secret
would simply think positively to the object of our desires and this will soon materialize in our lives. It also seems that this law is foolproof!
Guys, I really think at this point to be the exception that proves the rule. You know how many times I wanted something I had to convince them that the short? on the stimulus either!
There must be something wrong ... I will continue to read.
In the meantime, rest assured, there is one exception, the rule will apply to you. Dreams!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Partylite Invite Template


human capacity to change their attitude of adapting to different situations or clients, always remaining faithful to their usual behavior and values \u200b\u200bconnected to it.
The difference, subtle but material distinction between adaptation and falsehood, lies precisely in this line with the "self".

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bodybuilder Woman Strangling Man

Arrested Gerlandino Messina

Dear friends, after a long period of silence I decided to return to inform you about news starting with the mafia that is a very important event for legality in Agrigento. Today was in fact arrested Gerlandino Messina (38 years) the undisputed leader of Cosa Nostra in the province of Agrigento. Was added to the list of the 30 most dangerous fugitives in Italy. Messina was wanted since 1999 for criminal association and for several murders. It was the last boss of the fugitives of the Province of Agrigento. Our best compliments to the AIS, the police of the GIS, that have made the arrest this afternoon on the outskirts of Favara and the Public Prosecutor of Agrigento.

Friday, October 22, 2010

How Long Do U Live With Cystic Fibrosis

Nonsense ...

you ever think how many things are happening simultaneously around the world into a single, precise moment? While I'm writing this on the sofa while you browse or post on my blog, there is a child that is born, an old man dies, two lovers who leave, a worker in some faraway country that stands up to go to work, a precarious are told that his contract not be renewed, a couple celebrating their wedding, a mother who helps the child in the tasks, a girl doing the treadmill at the gym ... I could go on and on ... I have always had a strange effect to think that while I enjoy some may experience a dramatic moment of his life, or vice versa ...
This is even more evident if you look around in the morning while you go for example to work ... The beginning of the day is full of feelings, looks, thoughts, commitments ... Everyone in a hurry on his way, those alone, who in the company, who with a smile, some with a hint of sadness on his face, who load and enthusiastic, who tired ... Everyone has their own reason to be already active, the dad who brings the children to school the young man who goes to university, dall'anziana going to do the analysis to the career woman who is in office ...
How many stories, how many lives, how many souls that move, not knowing of the existence of all other ...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mening Vitamin E Capsules

Report of the movie "Into the Wild" 7 and the first regional meeting 14ottobre

"Chris McCandless, the day of his graduation, he abandons his life and his family, gives all his possessions to Oxfam, and embarks on an amazing journey on the road towards Alaska, where he intended to disappear into the wild.

A boy who runs away from everything to find the absolute freedom ... He flees from a father who has never heard her, and that a marriage based on lie, dominated by a mother of her husband and a society in which the only parameters of happiness is money, career, and "things" even from his sister who is the narrator of this story and believed to be the only person who can understand it. He wants to get rid of everything, but does not realize that what is on the run from which in fact are his fears, his anxieties, and above all running away from himself. You create a new name: Alexander Supertramp, but in reality refuses always have an identity of itself, to be recognized by the law with his name and his cognome.Va in search of adventure in the midst of the beauties of nature. Feels the need to experience new emotions, but does not realize that there is something that can never do without: human relationships. He meets a woman a couple of hippies who seems fond of a girl who seems to have a soft spot for him and an old man. Each of these people change after meeting him and understands something of herself. The old man tells the boy: "When you forgive you love, and when you love has been illuminated by the light of God" . Give to Chris, or better said Alexander, a great teaching, it does reflect on forgiveness that he could give his parents. This journey leads him to Alex to become wiser and allows "naming things" . Too bad the end result of this escape is not only the wisdom (about to die Alex understands the biggest thing: "happiness is only real when shared" ), but also its self-destruction.

Serena Capodicasa

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Samantha Anderson 38g 2010

October 2010 - June 2011

Regional meetings: Who are you or God?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Quaerere Deum: God is still a problem?


  • 16 hours report - discussion - conclusion
  • 19 hours celebration of Holy Mass and dinner with
  • At 21.15 organ concert offered us by 'ENSEMBLE SAN FELICE with Cristina Bagnolo (portative organ) and Fred Bardy (Director).
I hope many will participate because I'm beautiful experiences that serve to really understand what our federation and serve to enrich our lives in a climate of harmony, peace and friendship.

Serena Capodicasa

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Samples Of Spanish Wedding Invitation Wording

training school in Ragusa

Dear Fucini,

is approaching the School of Education this year will be held from October 29 to November 1 in the city of Ragusa , entitled "cursed South Pictures, contradictions and hopes of a land in search of an author." A strong slogan to put the focus of reflection the "southern question," but even more, the story of a land whose existence is perpetually poised between the wonder and disenchantment.
'll open our work with a session on the theme "For a country united. Italian Church and the South. " Which country and what the South. With the help of Don Antonio Sciortino, editor of Famiglia Cristiana, we focus on the important contribution of the Italian bishops have given us in February. Twenty years from the first document that the world church dedicated to the problem of national inequality we will ask ourselves what are the causes of the persistence of the southern problem and draw new energies such as to promote a genuine development of the country.
With the session "The other side of the South: the past and present of the South" traces, together al prof. Giuseppe Savagnone e al prof. Massimo Lo Cicero, le tappe fondamentali che nella storia hanno reso la condizione meridionale un annoso e spinoso problema. Dall’interventismo statale all’oblio del Sud da parte della politica e dei media: quale nuovo Mezzogiorno sogniamo da giovani studenti universitari? Quali sfide per uno sviluppo economico alternativo?
La tavola rotonda sarà l’occasione per stilare “l’inventario delle speranze nel Sud delle contraddizioni”, insieme al dott. Nino Amadore, al dott. Vincenzo La Monica, alla prof. Giuliana Martirani e a don Maurizio Viviani. Il profondo radicamento della criminalità organizzata, i massicci flussi migratori, i determinanti cambiamenti geopolitici e, Finally, an educational system in crisis are some of the biggest brakes in the South to which we respond with new decision tracking and encouraging signs of hope.
A national event that reclaims until the end of his name: we wish, in fact, share with you two days of intense training. Since the intervention of Dr. Vincent Gulino, psychologists, we lay the foundation for fully understanding the meaning of the relationships that we live every day in our groups. Follow the division in the three laboratories (coordination and management of public relations, advertising and promotion Federal, resource management and organizational management) which will provide to each and every opportunity made to deepen the skills of local service. Very rich
will also be the liturgy of the Training School with lectio divina led by Don Paolo La Terra, the Sunday Eucharistic celebration presided over by Father Armand Matthew and the closing Eucharistic celebration presided by Archbishop Paul Urso.
Please note that participation is not restricted to members Fuci to the contrary, can be a wonderful opportunity to invite new people to experience the atmosphere that animates the Federation, which combines a serious reflection on current in an atmosphere of joyous friendship. On the site find the program of the School of Education and a range of materials that can help groups to prepare for your appointment.

See you in Dubrovnik!

The National President
Sarah, Albert, Mariarosaria, Andrea, Flavia, David and Don Armando

Friday, September 17, 2010

Blood Vessel In Mouth

ottobre Calendar Meeting-December 2010 at the theological

theme for this first semester:
"You were called to freedom (Gal 5.13)

Calendar of meetings:

  • 7 October and 14 October: movie "Into the Wild" Sean Penn (Review and discussion of issues coordinated by Serena Capodicasa)
  • 21 October: freedom in art, literature and music (Serena Capodicasa, Chiara Tomei, Carolina Lucchesi)
  • 4novembre: Lectio Divina on the letter to the Galatians (if possible)
  • 11novembre: rights and freedoms (Stefano Nannini)
  • November 18 and November 25: freedom in moral philosophy (Nicholas Bonetti)
  • 9dicembre: freedom and dissent Church (Lorenzo Banducci and Don Renato Monacco)
  • 16dicembre: freedom, grace and predestination (external supervisor )