Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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FUCI celebrates the birthday of Italy

"When we face engagement with the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, in reality, the we look to further, not to look back. " These words of President Giorgio Napolitano are a strong reminder that FUCI - Italian Catholic University Federation welcomes with enthusiasm and commitment.

Italy Thursday, March 17 we celebrated an important birthday, full of meaning. We want to dedicate to the people, especially the many young people, who for this unit and have given their lives to the men and women who today live in economic difficulties, design and life, and the younger, despite the lack of confidence in the future Is our time, are called to make Italy the next year.

's birthday always arouses a certain communion, others will become the next, you say words about the past and the future. It 's the typical dynamics of a party, when a particular day, you have not chosen, is in charge to tell you the meaning of your existence.

We want the birthday of our Italy is not a mere empty and recurrence or, worse, a day made up of rhetoric and a harbinger of division. There is no shortage today, and perhaps more than ever, elements of disunity and disruptive virus, but we believe it is a birthday to be seized as an opportunity to question the present and plan for the future.

Our national anthem says "we are ready to die, he called Italy". If it is indeed gone down the romantic ideal of his nation of men of the Risorgimento and do not ask young people to sacrifice today for Italy, that does not mean that we can not discover a new meaning and feeling of "patriotism." Loving your country today could mean to resist the temptation - often very strong - to go away, it could mean betting on the future of Italy, not abandon it to itself and to share expertise and professionalism to serve the common good.

Pistons Gino, 25 July 1944, he performed with the remaining capacity, before expiring, a true act of faith by writing with your fingers soaked in blood on the canvas haversack of a message-will remained unique in the history of the Resistance "I lay down my life for the Catholic Action and for Italy, W Christ the King. " Perhaps it is not now to give my life in this way, but certainly of questioning, as young students and believers, how we spend our time, our energies, our talents for our country, including through the commitment FUCI and witness in our universities. The current condition does not prevail on the hope we have for a better tomorrow. Do not let the anniversary of these 150 years we slipped on, Let us experience but rather as a propitious time to discover ourselves citizens of a united Italy.

In the wake of the initiatives proposed in recent months, the FUCI announces that his next National Convention to be held in Reggio Calabria May 12 to 15, will be entitled "150 and do not hear them. Italy's heritage and changing perspectives. " Young college students flocking to the city of Calabria from Italy to live all days of study, reflection, prayer and fun that are in friendship, dialogue and the relationship between the local and the national framework and the preciousness of the specific event.

The number 3.4 in 2011 for research, the bimonthly magazine of our Federation, contains large contributions on the theme of national unity, particularly in relation to new generations. Our groups, spread throughout the country, have already undertaken some time ago and will continue in the coming weeks to explore the theme from the historical point of view and beyond.

the National President of FUCI Thursday, March 17 to 12 participating in the Eucharistic celebration in Santa Maria degli Angeli presided by Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, president of the Italian Episcopal Conference.

Rome 15 marzo 2011

via della Conciliazione, 1
00193 – Roma


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