Friday, March 11, 2011

Acne Mark Fading Neutrogena

mafias in the region: Casalesi and the 'Ndrangheta Mafia Romagna

And 'what emerges the report of the National Anti-Mafia Directorate, which examined the situation of organized crime in Emilia Romagna

Ravenna, March 9, 2011 - criminal organizations popular in Emilia Romagna are the Casalesi Camorra and 'Ndrangheta, a pro of the 'lace' asked local entrepreneurs especially of southern origin. Meanwhile, in the absence of local bands, from Piacenza in Rimini lord it Albanians and Nigerians, who specialize in the international trafficking of heroin and cocaine.

The National Anti-Mafia photographed, in a report, the state of organized crime in Emilia Romagna. The presence Casalesi is outdated and goes back several decades, especially in the province of Modena. According to the DNA, the Camorra, specialized in extortions, has adapted well to different socio-economic dell'Emilia Romagna, "not very accustomed all'omertà and connivance." So, to leverage on the victims, often has focused on the common southern origin of the local entrepreneurs, most builders.

The negotiations on the 'lace' is common knowledge through first, then directly to the victim with any discounts and time delays. The network also ended Casalesi merchants "often coming from the province of Caserta, and thus well aware of the thickness of their criminal extortionists and the real danger "that can run in the event of refusal. The DNA adds:" Their state of fear and submission was such as to prohibit any complaint to the police. "

are increasingly rooted in the region, foreign bands that manage the supply and smuggling of cocaine and heroin. The first comes from Holland but now also from Spain, from Galicia in particular, point of arrival and storage of 'coca' in South America. L ' imported from northern Europe is controlled by Albanian nationals living permanently in the Netherlands or Belgium and maintain contact with the 'Emilia'.

Arriva Albania (land), the doomed heroine in Emilia Romagna. Albanians generally rely on the Maghreb for the trafficking of heroin, to the Italians to that of cocaine. Finally, in many criminal groups are increasingly being recruited women to act as liaison between the various components of the bands, a mo 'for' trust 'over the top, but not involved in the crimes themselves.

[Il Resto del Carlino - ]


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