meeting of February 24, 2011 Review of the film "I wanted the pants" 10 and February 17, 2011
"I wanted the pants"
Annette is the daughter of Sicilian peasants, che vivono in una casa di campagna poco lontana da un piccolo centro alle falde dell'Etna, e frequenta le scuole superiori della cittadina. Fin da piccola ha notato con rabbia il privilegiato trattamento che ricevono i maschi nella sua numerosa famiglia (composta di zii, zie e cugini), e soprattutto i vantaggi del suo stesso fratello Antonio, cui tutto è permesso. Perciò ha sempre desiderato di poter portare i pantaloni, che considera il simbolo di tanta ingiusta fortuna. Ora che ha diciotto anni, Annetta, per evitare le busse e i maltrattamenti che riceve frequentemente dai severissimi e retrogradi genitori, ricorre a piccoli sotterfugi per truccarsi, per indossare una minigonna o per partecipare ad una piccola festa di ragazzi, ed è aiutata da Angelina, a casual partner coming from the north, the daughter of wealthy parents and more "modern" than his. But the day it is discovered by a relative in kissing on a beach with Nicole, a young land surveyor, the mayhem happens. Considered a fallen woman from across the country (who does not speak for others), which was rejected by his mother, who considers her as dead, was removed from school and, after several days of segregation, is sent to live in the nearby town, home of Vannina Vincenzino uncles and, despite his parents know that the man put his hands on him since she was a child. Zia Vannina is very dear to Annetta, because it is the only that is affectionately, and why he rebels in his own way local society: it has a secret lover for years, the accountant Lillo, who, despite being married, the illusions in the hope that soon will flee away to the north with her and live happily together. Annette's uncle Vincenzino horror and avoids it, but this one evening, alone with the girl and her two children, assaults to rape, and this definitely Annetta fled screaming into the night. Saved by the parents of Angelina, the girl's uncle complaint for attempted rape, resisting pressure to give up HER to throw disgrace on the whole family. He then returned to live with their parents, then wife Nicola. Pregnant and have heard that a girl, prepare immediately a pair of small trousers. arising from this film several themes: the prejudices of the people especially in a small town in the south, the lack of freedom of women in a male-dominated society, the fragility of women around the world to rebel, but also the courage that comes out then out in the end and a turning point for everything. Definitely a film that manages to convey a message and tell us that the demonstrations of affection are very important, not just those of a husband, a boyfriend, but also those of a father and a mother to a daughter that feels different from other girls because their parents are reluctant to leave them a little more freedom. Is outlined in the figure of a girl who is humiliated without hear his explanation, but also through its transformation into a woman who finally finds the courage at least to denounce his uncle.
Serena Capodicasa
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