"An example of a woman mystic: St. Gemma Galgani"
It occurs free in what he does. Mysticism can be seen as the relationship between man and God Every Christian is called to be a good mystic.
The first vision is manifested through Gemma a voice that asks if you want to give it "welcomes" his mother, who was ill with tuberculosis.
The life of this young woman has been marked by reports and suffering. The reports can be divided into two types: earth such as those with the mother and heavenly things.
Suffering instead emerges well in his mystique is closely linked to the Passion of Christ and is a means through which God joins Gemma lost her mother and later his father.
We want to give themselves totally to God in fact rejects the engaged couple. Following receiving the stigmata that occur from 20 pm Thursday at 15 on Friday.
Always try to talk to his spiritual fathers and sisters who had given training.
is very close to the world and never enters in the Passionist monastery or a convent because is always rejected because of his health.
Gemma is described as "a girl happy, peaceful and happy." This is difficult to understand, but are characteristics due to the awareness of serving the Lord. She does not care how others perceive it, but interested only in what God says about you.
His character is called "born to love and caress surrender." This opens the affection to anyone who is near, even to the poor.
is considered a "sinner who intercedes for sinners" and this is a figure that appears in her ecstasy.
The main features of the character of Santa Gemma:
- Simplicity: his style is simple in every relationship;
- Obedience: working on aspects that spoil the life of faith that is the pride and arrogance;
- Humility: living in it at any time. Want to become humble;
- Poverty: both inner and outer (in the way he dresses and his signature);
- Purity: want to live in it;
- Penance for food, but also body type.
(Report prepared by Serena Capodicasa on the basis of the meeting held by Don Rich)