Monday, March 21, 2011

Tattoos For The Vajina

meeting Thursday, March 10 The Unification of Italy

Women in Medieval Philosophy


- Letter to the Galatians (3,27 -28): equality of God's children
- Many women in the Christian community, diaconia
- Velo women (1 Cor 14:34-40), respect for difference and diversity
gender and gender relations and order in creation
- Rapporti domestici (Ef 5,21-32),valore storico e mistero della
-Prima lettera a Timoteo (2,8-15) vietato l’insegnamento pubblico

Gnosticismo e reazione antignostica
-Dio come padre e madre;
- “Padre e Madre del Tutto”(Valentino)
- “Io sono il Padre, sono la Madre, sono il Figlio”(Apocrifo di
-Donne sacerdotesse
-violent and misogynist reaction Tertullian

Augustine and Ambrosiaster
- For Augustine, the soul is asexual, sexual difference
on the body, same image God help
Eva-person (as the earth receives the seed, the woman exists only to breed
-issue of marriage in heaven (or spiritual fruitfulness
procreation without sex or sex without lust? prevails
Monica-role in the conversion
- Ambrosiaster denies the image of God in women (secluded)

Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1176)
- one of the few women who occupy a place in

Western philosophy before the age contemporary
- As a child suffered visionary phenomena, linked to a

state of health is very fragile, acceptance and processing in cognitive
sense of these experiences enabled her to produce an original and very incisive thought
in the reality of his time;
- Oblate age seven years at the Benedictine abbey of
Disibodenberg later became teacher abbess of the nuns and then

- makes many trips and links to the work of reforming
Bernard of Clairvaux;
- practiced medicine, he wrote music on their texts:
a collection of poems inspired by the holy figures (among which Mary
"flaming aurora"), the Symphonia Harmoniae caelestium
revelationum (harmonious concert of heavenly revelations, ca.
1151-58), and a sacred representation of moral content, Ordo
virtutum (The order of virtues) and was
spiritual adviser not only of monks and nuns, but also sovereign (including Frederick Barbarossa
powerful secular and ecclesiastical
- Wrote many works: Liber Scivias (a contraction of
"Scythians vias Domini," "know the ways of the Lord", 1141-51), the Liber vitae
meritorum (Book of the merits of life, 1158-63), the
operum Liber divinorum (The Book of divine works 1164-74), Liber
subtilitatum diversarum naturarum Creaturarum (Paper
investigating the subtle aspects of the different natures of the creatures, ca. 1158-70), the
Physica (Physics, encyclopedia Nature ) and Causae et Curae (
The causes and cures, where the medical and physiological knowledge concerning

the human body are related to cosmological principles)
- His approach to the knowledge of reality does not follow

how the school's reading and commentary of the texts, but is based on 'intuitive experience
which it refers to the visionary
in several places of his work.
- Visions are considered to be of divine origin and
bearers of knowledge in the nature, history and spiritual
human life: the different levels of meaning of the visions
(literal, allegorical, tropological) are exposed by Hildegard in
extensive explanations, which she traced to a constant
divine inspiration that serves as a means of his "fragile woman's body."
• Hildegard says the spiritual superiority of man over creatures

angels, because in the dual composition - body and soul - that
reflects the divinity and humanity of Christ, lies the possibility
that humanity has to cooperate with God, with the work of creation,
by the generation that will bring the number of men
to fill the post left vacant by the rebel angels, the rebuilding
fullness of creation, and with the work of salvation, through the moral and spiritual perfection of humanity
follow Christ
in history that leading to full victory over demonioalla end of

times. • Hildegard
discovers and reveals to humanity the presence of God in
plants, stones, in the elements and, of course, humans
• "His vision of the party, we might say, from

starry heights and spreads until it touches every sphere of human existence .
Everything for her is united by a single thread, which weaves the plot
extraordinary, wonderful, everything is set in motion by the "supreme power
" from the "miraculous power," which is nothing but the
Viriditas . Life itself is an overwhelming potential,
a turbine which also involves the smallest thing created, which,
because of it, has an increasingly decisive. Nothing is there
by accident, but the interdependence characterizes the universe in complete unity and completeness
. In this same spirit Hildegard
dedicated to medical research and therapy, as it is convinced that the
diseases, physical or mental, which is often plagued humanity, not

are merely the visible consequence of a rupture of that thread
wonderful, each of which binds all creation ead
transmits its vitality. She studies the properties of pure materials
plants or stones, for example (he was a careful observer
), but does not stop outside the examination: are you interested
rather to discover the healing powers hidden in them; powers
she also found in music and speech. "
• "So we might also think that the Viriditas, of which she

so often speaks, as well as being miraculous that fluid passing through
innervation, all creatures and the cosmos itself, it is the power

hidden throughout what, exactly, "grows green." What is green
is alive, throbbing through its fibers and the roots, even
spends his life, and life throws all sorts of fruits, which
enrich the beauty of creation and, in turn, is prepare to produce
yet, in a continuous, infinite and exciting: the
vital process that never stops, and that, for an extraordinary
prodigy, is also capable of creating life from death. "
• The history is the conduct of the affairs of all creation,

the fall of the angel to rebel victory Antichrist. In these events
human rationality, which has the same
fiery character of the Creator Spirit, has the task of unifying the world

body and the spiritual and moral life in the realization of
health through knowledge and use of the world
in this context is central to the concept of Viriditas (
sostantifica that the symbolic nature of the green), which expresses the vitality and fertility
not only the plant world, but also
of the physical and spiritual.
human being can also experience the harmony of the voice, the immediate experience
unity of soul and body, which tends to reproduce
perfection of humanity before the fall: in the music and song
reconstruction of the duality is in fact already taking place and purpose of human life is made
. • In the third
Scivias Hildegard presents a vision of 'image cosmos, it has some similarities with those of contemporary philosophers,
But it is also important differences, between these first
the "egg shape" of the cosmos Hildegard, which gives physical reality
the traditional symbol of life in the world, this

also an important source in the culture of schools based on the liberal arts
, De Mercurio et Nuptiis Philologiae. Proceeding to the 'internal structure
meet the different layers of cosmic
elements similar to those of traditional cosmology
but with two important differences: the top element, fire, splits into
a bright fire and a black fire, to account della
duplicità delle forze, positive e negative, che s’intersecano nel macrocosmo.
Fra queste hanno un ruolo rilevante, oltre naturalmente al sole e ai
pianeti della tradizione astronomica, i venti che, convergendo verso
il centro, la terra, esercitano la loro funzione primaria nel
conferire vita e movimento a questa complessa struttura. Nel Liber
divinorom operum (1174) la forma del cosmo, generato nel petto di una
figura divina a carattere antropomorfo, è rotonda e, per quanto gli
strati successivi siano gli stessi che nell' opera precedente, ciò
che ora tiene insieme la struttura sono raggi che s’intersecano unendo la
circonferenza con il centro; This consists of a human figure, which represents the microcosm

medicine and natural philosophy Aristotelian-galeliana

-The male seed for Aristotle is the formal cause of generation,
female blood is the material cause (for there are two semi Galen
-woman is a "mas occasionatus, a failed male sterile and
incomplete ("Occasio means a fault which does not correspond
intention of
nature ")
- The woman is thus a creation of reserves, which occurs when

the first intention of nature, which aspires man, it fails.
It is a man thwarted in his
- "All parties have the men have the women
( inside) "-" The
woman, as does not have sufficient natural heat, is unable to
'cook' her menstrual fluid to the point of refinement, the
which become sperm (ie sperm). Therefore, his only contribution
embryo is the subject, and a 'field' in which to grow
-women have a lower temperature than humans, has the same organs
sexual man but the low temperature makes it impossible for
woman to drive them out (For Galen the cervix is \u200b\u200ba
sentences overturned in the final part of the scrotum
- she is cold and wet and more liquid than the man who
is rather dry and warm and as such, totally at the mercy of
- The sexual organs are considered physical markers
quotas, the natural truth masculine or feminine gender is
the opposition active / passive, and there is no attempt to base
social roles on the nature, confusing terminology
-recorded cases of sexual metamorphosis from medicine
period (hyperactive girls and then "hot" that turn into
-body fluids and bodies are considered in all communication
between them, the sperm, for example, blood is fine (the foam
blood) flowing through the brain and then through the bone, kidneys, testes, comes to the penis. This blood, women,
menocaldo men (ie without the heat required to do so
skim), or they lost through menstruation or refined
a less imperfect, in form of nourishment to the fetus or
Nicholas Bonetti

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Can You Use Firm Ground Cleats On Turf In Soccer?


for more 'AWAY

FUCI celebrates the birthday of Italy

"When we face engagement with the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, in reality, the we look to further, not to look back. " These words of President Giorgio Napolitano are a strong reminder that FUCI - Italian Catholic University Federation welcomes with enthusiasm and commitment.

Italy Thursday, March 17 we celebrated an important birthday, full of meaning. We want to dedicate to the people, especially the many young people, who for this unit and have given their lives to the men and women who today live in economic difficulties, design and life, and the younger, despite the lack of confidence in the future Is our time, are called to make Italy the next year.

's birthday always arouses a certain communion, others will become the next, you say words about the past and the future. It 's the typical dynamics of a party, when a particular day, you have not chosen, is in charge to tell you the meaning of your existence.

We want the birthday of our Italy is not a mere empty and recurrence or, worse, a day made up of rhetoric and a harbinger of division. There is no shortage today, and perhaps more than ever, elements of disunity and disruptive virus, but we believe it is a birthday to be seized as an opportunity to question the present and plan for the future.

Our national anthem says "we are ready to die, he called Italy". If it is indeed gone down the romantic ideal of his nation of men of the Risorgimento and do not ask young people to sacrifice today for Italy, that does not mean that we can not discover a new meaning and feeling of "patriotism." Loving your country today could mean to resist the temptation - often very strong - to go away, it could mean betting on the future of Italy, not abandon it to itself and to share expertise and professionalism to serve the common good.

Pistons Gino, 25 July 1944, he performed with the remaining capacity, before expiring, a true act of faith by writing with your fingers soaked in blood on the canvas haversack of a message-will remained unique in the history of the Resistance "I lay down my life for the Catholic Action and for Italy, W Christ the King. " Perhaps it is not now to give my life in this way, but certainly of questioning, as young students and believers, how we spend our time, our energies, our talents for our country, including through the commitment FUCI and witness in our universities. The current condition does not prevail on the hope we have for a better tomorrow. Do not let the anniversary of these 150 years we slipped on, Let us experience but rather as a propitious time to discover ourselves citizens of a united Italy.

In the wake of the initiatives proposed in recent months, the FUCI announces that his next National Convention to be held in Reggio Calabria May 12 to 15, will be entitled "150 and do not hear them. Italy's heritage and changing perspectives. " Young college students flocking to the city of Calabria from Italy to live all days of study, reflection, prayer and fun that are in friendship, dialogue and the relationship between the local and the national framework and the preciousness of the specific event.

The number 3.4 in 2011 for research, the bimonthly magazine of our Federation, contains large contributions on the theme of national unity, particularly in relation to new generations. Our groups, spread throughout the country, have already undertaken some time ago and will continue in the coming weeks to explore the theme from the historical point of view and beyond.

the National President of FUCI Thursday, March 17 to 12 participating in the Eucharistic celebration in Santa Maria degli Angeli presided by Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, president of the Italian Episcopal Conference.

Rome 15 marzo 2011

via della Conciliazione, 1
00193 – Roma

Friday, March 11, 2011

Making A Wedding Seating Chart, Unique Ideas

Alarm dall'antimafia "The Titan is a high risk of money laundering"

In the Annual Report 2011, the DNA 'mouth' San Marino in the fight against organized crime

San Marino, March 10, 2011 - The DNA National Office mafia, boccia San Marino in the fight against money laundering. In its Annual Report 2011, which were anticipated excerpts from a blog of the "Sole 24 Ore", Pier Luigi Maria Bone, deputy national anti-Mafia prosecutor, did not mince words to crush the progress made in the Titan recent years on this issue.

"You can certainly support - so the document refers to the DNA - that San Marino is not a high risk of money laundering. " For this, there is a "specific need," says Bone, that any agreement between Italy and San Marino "should bear the elimination of all instruments and operating procedures concerning banking and finance that does not give any guarantees in terms of 'anti-money laundering. " In fact, the report, 1,110 pages of information and complaints regarding all the Bel Paese, circulates in the court, among professionals and is not officially released by the National Anti-Mafia Directorate in Rome. Among its pages does not leave rods on Titan. And its regulatory developments; so that the abolition banking secrecy is considered "disappointing in practice"

The DNA does not just reject the efforts of San Marino, but will bring forward proposals for solutions to address the problems of another, pulling at stake Bank of Italy. "In any case - shows 'Cops and Robbers', the blog of the Sole 24 Ore - there can be no reasonable doubt that Bank of Italy must have all necessary power at the point of supervision, the possibility of inspections and so on, each projection Banking San Marino. "

This is because "E 'for over five years - says the report - Bank of Italy has raised a number of key issues, without that part of St. Marino has gone beyond broad statements of availability, in turn denied by reality. " It is recalled then the lack of a Memorandum of Understanding between the central institutions of both countries. The institute, led by Mario Draghi "has allowed banks to operate in San Marino Italy - in fact, referring to the relationship - but this èavvenuto however, illegally."

[Il Resto del Carlino - ]

Acne Mark Fading Neutrogena

mafias in the region: Casalesi and the 'Ndrangheta Mafia Romagna

And 'what emerges the report of the National Anti-Mafia Directorate, which examined the situation of organized crime in Emilia Romagna

Ravenna, March 9, 2011 - criminal organizations popular in Emilia Romagna are the Casalesi Camorra and 'Ndrangheta, a pro of the 'lace' asked local entrepreneurs especially of southern origin. Meanwhile, in the absence of local bands, from Piacenza in Rimini lord it Albanians and Nigerians, who specialize in the international trafficking of heroin and cocaine.

The National Anti-Mafia photographed, in a report, the state of organized crime in Emilia Romagna. The presence Casalesi is outdated and goes back several decades, especially in the province of Modena. According to the DNA, the Camorra, specialized in extortions, has adapted well to different socio-economic dell'Emilia Romagna, "not very accustomed all'omertà and connivance." So, to leverage on the victims, often has focused on the common southern origin of the local entrepreneurs, most builders.

The negotiations on the 'lace' is common knowledge through first, then directly to the victim with any discounts and time delays. The network also ended Casalesi merchants "often coming from the province of Caserta, and thus well aware of the thickness of their criminal extortionists and the real danger "that can run in the event of refusal. The DNA adds:" Their state of fear and submission was such as to prohibit any complaint to the police. "

are increasingly rooted in the region, foreign bands that manage the supply and smuggling of cocaine and heroin. The first comes from Holland but now also from Spain, from Galicia in particular, point of arrival and storage of 'coca' in South America. L ' imported from northern Europe is controlled by Albanian nationals living permanently in the Netherlands or Belgium and maintain contact with the 'Emilia'.

Arriva Albania (land), the doomed heroine in Emilia Romagna. Albanians generally rely on the Maghreb for the trafficking of heroin, to the Italians to that of cocaine. Finally, in many criminal groups are increasingly being recruited women to act as liaison between the various components of the bands, a mo 'for' trust 'over the top, but not involved in the crimes themselves.

[Il Resto del Carlino - ]

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kate’s Playground Mega Set

is underway the week of the university ...


“Conoscere/Co-nascere”: in corso di svolgimento la

III Settimana dell'Università della FUCI

E’ in corso la terza edizione della Settimana dell'Università della FUCI, an event that has its specificity in the preciousness of the relationship between the local and the national framework, in our shared commitment to the University

7 and Monday until Sunday, March 13, more than 30 groups are organizing events FUCI throughout the peninsula (conferences, panel discussions, movies, concerts, photo exhibitions, meetings of lectio divina ...) Agrigento, Bergamo, Bologna, Brescia, Caltanissetta, Catania, Catanzaro, Cesena, Cosenza, Cream, Ferrara, Florence, Fiesole, Forlì, Lodi, Lucca, Macerata, Messina, Milan, Modena, Naples, Nocera Inferiore, Nola, Parma, Pavia, Perugia, Piacenza, Pompei, Dubrovnik, Rimini, Rome, Syracuse, Trento, Urbino. The richness of being Federation allows greater freedom in the choice of plural subjects that the groups have decided to address: the sensitivity to the issue of legality (Rimini, Nocera Inferiore), for issues related to the relationship between ethics and economics (Macerata) for the important role of women in society (Ferrara), interreligious dialogue (Napoli) and the border issues between evolutionism and creationism (Modena), the rediscovery of the great witnesses of lay Christians who are entitled to their own university classrooms (Milan Catholic).

"The FUCI - says the National President - at all levels want to turn the spotlight on strategic institution for the future of the country. What we want more than anything else is not to reduce attention to the painful notes concerning the university system (the theme of the right to study, study the relationship - work, the funding of teaching and research, the problem of rents to students, to name a few) and that concern us greatly, despite the "reform" adopted earlier this year. So, why a specific week becomes Fuci for the "Week of the University?" The answer is simple: we would like to highlight and give evidence that the university is a time should be seized and a place to care for. We are, in fact, an association of graduate students and academics and the Federation from its founding to today, live every day in and commitment to the University. "

Hence, the slogan this year: "Learning and Co-born", which starts from the French version of the word knowledge connaisance, "which derives from the verb" connaître ", literally co -born. The knowledge, therefore, as a way of rebirth, as a means of rediscovering themselves. "It 's within the University - continues the National Presidency - You experience a new dimension of knowledge, no longer an end in itself but an instrument of continuous and constant research and knowledge. Knowledge which requires the individual to get out of him and that requires a revolution of subjectivity. "

The review will be concluded by a meeting to be held in Rome Friday, March 25 at 17.30,

with a report of prof. Renato Moro entitled "the unforgettable lessons of Giovanni Battista Montini" organized by the National President of FUCI, at the Sala Borromini's Domus Pacis - Torre Rossa Park Hotel (Via di Torre Rossa 94, 00165 Roma).

Roma, 10 marzo 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Renting A Baby Shower Place In Ny

And here comes my thesis Yu color '! A thesis

Eh eh ... Here, finally, my thesis and the source of inspiration for the color of the cover! ^ _ ^ You know, this picture was the first thing that I care to do once I got home, without even thinking about any bites (the thesis!).

Here the days go well and I have to start studying for my first official written pretty well ... It will be like the last time to study for an exam, only that the book is my bill, ah ah ah ... Figoooo! So at least from this point of view I will not have problems to interpret what the authors are trying to say ... Apart from that I have a good basting of the argument! Yeah ... ^ _ ^

Well well, now I go for the record, before I forget, also because it is a fundamental part of the procedure for graduation! ^ _ ^

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Much Gold Do You Need For Poptropica

the most popular?

Here is a brief excerpt from the evening of Saturday, March 5th Conference, organizzata dalla Fuci

Monday, March 7, 2011

Helms Bakery Truck Of The 60s


More sunsets, most of the flight of a bird,
the wonderful thing of all is a woman in rebirth.

When they stand up after the catastrophe, after the fall.

What one says is over.

No, never finished for a woman.

A woman always gets up, even when he does not believe, even if you do not want.

I speak not only of the immense pain of those injured by anti-personnel mine that makes the death or illness.

I'm talking about you, that this period never ends, you're playing there in a difficult job, which is a test every morning, worse at school.

you, relentless arbiter of yourself, who you look like your boss decide if you are at or if you have to condemn.

So every day, and this novitiate never ends.

It's you that you do it last.

Or talk about you, you're afraid even to sleep with a man, a story that you're terrified that you remove the air, because you do not flirt with anyone from entering the terror that someone in your life.

Worse, if we remain caught in the middle you, then you suffer like a dog.

're tired there's always someone with whom you have to justify that you want to change or that you have to change for you tenertelo close.

So you're alone in cultivating home.

Yet you tell it, I will also say when you talk to the other: "I'm fine. I'm okay, I'm better this way."

And the sky falls by another palm.

Or that boy you're going to live, have lived there at Christmas and Easter.
In this man we've thrown in the soul and is a long time ago, and I've thrown so much blood that one day you begin to look for you in the mirror because you do not know who you become.

Whatever the case, now you're here and I know there was a moment that you looked down and my feet were in cement.

Wherever I was, we were close: In your story, your work, in your loneliness.

And it was a crisis, and you cried.
what God cry!
Do you have a water source in the stomach.

You cried as you walked into a crowded street, subway station, on the motorcycle.

So, suddenly. You could not hold him.

And that night you took the car and you drive for hours, because the air dark you wipe your cheeks?

And then you've dug, you talked about, how you speak, girls!
Tears and words. To understand, to pull off a six-meter long root that gives meaning to your pain.

"Why I do this? How is it that I always repeat the same pattern? Am I mad?"
If they are asked for all.

Then go down with the bulldozer in your story, two-, four-hands, and jump out thousands of pieces. A puzzle
Here is where it starts. Did not you know?

E 'by the great liver that you want us to look like that, fragmented in a thousand confetti, it starts again.

Why does a woman again, however, has an instinct inside that will drag on and on.

You will need a strategy, you will need to invent a new form for your new you.

Why you are destined to meet again, to introduce yourself.
You can no longer be what it was before. Before the bulldozer.

not you excited? You will attract interest slowly.
Falling in love again, of themselves, or do it for the first time, it's like a diesel. Part
plan, we must insist. But when
go, go in the race.

E 'adventure, rebuild themselves. The largest.

No matter where you start if from the house, the color of the curtains or the haircut.

I have always adored women in rebirth, for this wonderful way of proclaiming to the world "are new" skirt with a flower or a cool blonde curls.

Why must all understand and see, "Beware: the site is open, we are working for you.

Above for ourselves. "

Most of the sunrises, most of the sun, a woman in rebirth is the greatest wonder.
To the person who meets and for herself.

and spring to November.

Raising Helen 's ... aspects

Jerome Shostak Vocabulary Workshop Level E

opens the third week of the university

Federazione Universitaria Cattolica Italiana
“Conoscere/Co-nascere”: dal 7 al 13 marzo
III Settimana dell'Università della FUCI
Dopo l'ampio interesse riscosso gli anni scorsi, sia a livello locale che nazionale, la FUCI propone
quest'anno la terza edizione della Settimana dell'Università, un evento che vede impegnata la
Federazione in tutta la penisola. In un momento so complex for our university system and by incorporating the information contained in the Guidelines for the Pastoral of the CEI for the next decade, the FUCI want to turn the spotlight at all levels of an institution for the strategic future of the country. From March 7 to 13 - days during which time the student was celebrated on the occasion of the liturgical memorial of St. Thomas Aquinas, patron of the university - in Italian universities are over 30 FUCI groups that organize events (seminars, boards round, movies, concerts, photo exhibitions, meetings of lectio divina ...) Agrigento, Bergamo, Bologna, Brescia, Caltanissetta, Catania, Catanzaro, Cesena, Cosenza, Crema, Ferrara, Firenze, Fiesole,Forlì, Lodi, Lucca, Macerata, Messina, Milano, Modena, Napoli, Nocera Inferiore, Nola, Parma, Pavia,Perugia, Piacenza, Pompei, Ragusa, Rimini, Roma, Siracusa, Trento, Urbino.
Tutto questo al motto di “Conoscere/Co-nascere”, a sottolineare la strumentalità dello studio, e in ultima analisi della conoscenza, per una rinascita della persona. E’ la versione francese del termine conoscenza “connaisance”, che deriva dal verbo “connaitre”, letteralmente co-nascere, ad indicare questa interpretazione personalistica dell’attività del conoscere.
«La conoscenza – afferma la Presidenza National FUCI - is the way to rebirth, is a tool to rediscover themselves, led on this journey by those who have made this their life science, masters. The University is the preferred place in which to begin to set out to recreate themselves. E 'in this reality that we experience a new dimension of knowledge, no longer an end in itself, no longer know the books, but the instrument of continuous and constant research and knowledge. Knowledge which requires the individual to get out of himself and that requires a profound change of subjectivity. "
The meeting will be concluded by a che si svolgerà a Roma venerdì 25 marzo p.v. alle ore 17.30, intitolato “L’indimenticata lezione di Giovanni Battista Montini” organizzato dalla Presidenza Nazionale della FUCI, presso la Sala Borromini della Domus Pacis – Torre Rossa Park Hotel (via di Torre Rossa 94, 00165 Roma).
A breve sul sito ( potrete trovare l'elenco completo degli eventi.
Roma, 1 marzo 2011
via della Conciliazione, 1
00193 – Roma
Tel. 331.17.77.861

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Healthy Living Slogans

Romagna Mafia? Infiltration

Tavola rotonda sullo stato della legalità nel territorio
La Federazione Universitaria Cattolica Italiana , gruppo di Rimini, organizza in data 05 marzo 2011, ore 20:45,
Sala degli Archi (piazza Cavour,RN),
un incontro di approfondimento sul theme of mafia infiltration in and around Rimini area.
will be present:
* * Salvatore Calleri, Foundation President Caponnetto ,
* * Piero Morosini, of GUP Palermo ,
* * Daniele Paci, Magistrate Pesaro,
* * Cristian Ciavatta, I see I feel I speak group,
Pio La Torre mafia Group * * .
moderated the evening, the journalist Frank Lozito * *.
* For more information: * Group Presidents Fuci Rimini : Giacomo Vaccari, 3381260308, Lorenzo Canini, 3470187020
Adapted from Corriere di Romagna Rimini on February 24
RIMINI. " injection of confidence for many, many local entrepreneurs who have not yet had the courage to denounce what suffer from organized crime " . Judge cattolichino Piergiorgio Morosini, 17 years at the forefront aPalermo, is not surprised by the investigation "Volcano" and the ten firm for extortion compounded by Tuesday that Mafia methods have led to the capture of numerous members of treclan Camorra in action between Rimini, Riccione, San Marino.

On the other hand was the same judge to summon assistance in the past, explaining that in Romagna "the danger of infiltration is not tangible and must be manifested with murder victims in the streets because they start take it seriously. " Now that the last developments give reason, the court speaks loud and clear "a milestone and not a final goal."
Morosini, what makes you believe that these arrests are just the tip of the iceberg?
"Experience tells me that these mechanisms, these forms of crime, not act in a sporadic way with a pair of entrepreneurs, but they hide a more full-bodied, structured, they are involved in many victims remain silent in the violence" .
believe that this operation can be carried out in the area?
"certainly reveals the reality so raw. This is an important goal of the judiciary and law enforcement, which in this way have set down a marker that can have important effects of unprecedented infuse courage to those who, at the local level, is still a victim of these unscrupulous criminals. "
Why should come out now? "Because with these arrests has given tangible proof that we may also be affected by the dangerous extortionists belonging to families of the Camorra. The trust in institutions, in this type of crime, is crucial. "
You mean here in Romagna is the victim who does not think he can be helped? "Yes, but once raised the cry of alarm, to gain the confidence you need to know. You have no idea what form of terror strikes these people. "
She had reported these threats but they have not heard many. 'It's true, but enough to hear Emilio Ledonne, Attorney General at the Court of Appeal in Bologna that opening the legal year 2011 has devoted half of his own speech to the infiltration of organized crime in our area. " At the institutional level
believe that here is taken lightly the danger? "part of the ruling class is an attitude of self consolation to soothe the minds and do not look phenomenon in the eye. "
Now what do you expect to happen? "How to increase awareness. Here in the river played a very important game: the restructuring of tourism that will lead to the construction of many public and private buildings, starting from the promenade of Rimini. "
you believe there is a tangible risk? "The Casalesi and other families have so much money to walk into and buy all the same, affecting the entire economy. The search for hooks and lanes will be a very delicate area to pay attention. "
How do we protect ourselves? "The attack is avoided if the fabric of civil administration policy will be able to remain compact and you will understand fully that the law is not an obstacle but a tool of defense. "
Simone Mascia