report first meeting December 9, 2010 Christmas 2010 part Thursday, December 9, 2010, House of Laymen
Groups of dissent Church
groups of which I have decided to deal with at this meeting are the following:
Movement Second Vatican Council
The MO.CO.VA. (Vatican Council II Movement) was founded in 1986 by Don Franco Ratti. The prophetic message of its founder includes, inter alia, the following: giving Italy the Vatican State and the establishment of the Pope as bishop of Jerusalem, consecrated of lay people to celebrate the Eucharistic supper (where priests are lacking); adult baptism and confirmation of absorption. On the subject of "cairo-baptism" (baptism at an older age) instead of "pedobattesimo" (infant baptism), the Movement Second Vatican Council introduced the rite of the White Rose, "by which parents mark with a little white rose in a special ceremony of blessing, always in view of the future baptism as an adult, to be received regularly in the parish. Catholicism should be open, according to members of that group, in what is called "Humanism of Sex": dall'automasturbazione (if healthy) to premarital sex, divorce (if in severe cases) to gay couples adult (as long as monogamous, stable and open to the commitment adopted), to women priests. Regarding issues medically assisted procreation, the MO.CO.VA. advocates the use of condoms, the contraceptive pill, the homologous in vitro fertilization, heterologous in vitro fertilization - when necessary -, the use of human embryos unless they are either injured or killed. The EESC is against abortion, except in extreme cases. The Movement Vatican Council II has spread nationwide with an operating core of about twenty people (including Monopoly, Avellino, Como and Taranto) and a larger number of sympathizers in Italy and abroad.
The Upper Room by family
The family was founded in 1967 by Upper Room at the hands of Don Salvatore Paparo. I ask members to safeguard the autonomy of local churches that the Pope does not intervene in an authoritarian manner, except in exceptional cases, and that the Code of Canon Law is reduced to a few essential laws. According to the message released by the Upper Room Family function of the Pope within the Church must be viewed against the background of the Gospel. This means that the risk should be avoided deleterious to pay tribute to the Pope a "personality cult" and must be accettate, da parte dell'autorità ecclesiastica, alcune posizioni critiche del Popolo di Dio su opinioni e decisioni papali. Riguardo la situazione dei divorziati, il Cenacolo richiede che essi (se sinceramente pentiti), anche se risposati, siano riammessi dalla Chiesa ai sacramenti; i fidanzati, quando hanno seri motivi per procrastinare il matrimonio, devono avere la possibilità di celebrare il loro matrimonio in due tempi (matrimonio coram Deo , dopo il quale possono compiere l'atto intimo, e, appena possibile, il matrimonio coram Ecclesia ). Il Cenacolo Familiare afferma la liceità della contraccezione, il valore sacramentale dell'assoluzione collettiva durante il rito penitenziale della Messa, lasciando free practice of auricular confession, or making it mandatory only for absolution from the most serious sins, such as abortion. The "prophets" of the Cenacle further claim that the abolition of the canon law requires priests of the Latin rite the obligation of celibacy for the Spirit desires "a multitude of married priests for the next era of peace based on love and holiness the family ", in which the" ministry for couples "will work very effectively. Long as there is the law of compulsory celibacy, which had been introduced without any rights by the hierarchy - as the Scripture says that the bishops and priests can marry - you will implement the "New Strategy". It is in the "divine right" of bishops and priests to "properly and lawfully marry in secret" by mutual consent expressed by the two parties.
Don Franco Barbero Lanes Association
Lanes The Association was founded in 1998 by the Christian community based in Pinerolo founded - in December 1973 - by Don Franco Barbero together with some people from parish experience. Lanes Association is voluntary, non-profit organization and is based solely on self . We declare non-party, democratic, liberal, pacifist, environmentalist, anti-racist, anti-totalitarian, Fascism. It is proposed to build a link between communities and individuals interested in an experience of human liberation and the search for faith through a lifestyle based on values \u200b\u200bof solidarity and equality, respect for creation. To achieve these aims the Association organizes cultural, educational, recreational, social, editorials, to meet the needs of member participation and knowledge, citizenship, institutions and social forces. He participated in the fight against the Concordat and the campaign for women's ministry in the Church. The personal auricular confession, which is typical of the Catholic Church, is replaced by a community celebration, because "God forgives us not because we 'deserve', not because we are sorry / and our sins, but because it is a God of love and goodness. "Celebration of the beginning of a marriage or cohabitation, taking place in Community eucharist normally chaired by the priest or, in his absence, by a brother or a sister may be appropriate. In turn, every week, a group of biblical community (or a single person in certain occasions) click on the biblical texts where they were preaching, preparation and "building" throughout the liturgical celebration. Thus were born the "fees", ie the 200 eucharistic prayers that were composed over thirty years. Many parents undertake to give witness to the faith without baptism for their children, even if the choice to administer the sacrament of baptism is optional for children and the community he has never excluded if it is presented a reasoned request .
We Are Church
Movement We Are Church "was established as a national and international reality following the collection of signatures support for a "Call of the People of God" with which they proposed the need for a profound reform, staff and comunitaria della Chiesa cattolica. Nell'incontro internazionale di Roma si è costituito l'International Movement "We Are Church" (IMWAC) e in Italia si è formata l'associazione "Noi Siamo Chiesa" aderente all'IMWAC.
A "Noi Siamo Chiesa" partecipano credenti che, per la loro fede nell'Evangelo, propongono la riforma della Chiesa cattolica dall'interno e in una prospettiva ecumenica. "Noi Siamo Chiesa" è indipendente sia dalle strutture gerarchiche della Chiesa, locali o centrali, sia da ordini o congregazioni religiose di qualsiasi tipo.
Lorenzo Banducci