Friday, December 31, 2010
Example Church Anniversary Programs
Monday, December 27, 2010
Our Daily Poison Marie Monique Robin Watch Online
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
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Thursday, December 23, 2010
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This was an intense time ... few days, so many emotions, one thousand beats of the heart ... and one great love.
Santa Claus this year it has complied with my requests! How nice it can SHOUT!
And beyond to fulfill my request, I was also surprised with the wonderful expression of affection of a friend, companion of tears and smiles, affection breaks out in silent embrace that say a thousand words.
Oh yes, this year Father Christmas has passed and I believe that La Befana will continue its work.
Best wishes to you all, this is a Christmas of joy and affection, flavors and fragrances, surprises and traditions.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
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So then, certainly so far this December 2010 is being presented as the least productive months of my blog, which I did not expect it myself, but surprise, surprise it seems that at least my view has reached its desired conclusion so ... Well, if I do not write on one side, write the other, no?!?! ^ _ ^
Honestly, it was all a hold on the past few weeks, because of the schedule pre-departure, pre-graduate, pre-battered chestnuts of all kinds, but now, and finally, that are in Marbella for enter as soon as possible in a "rest" to recover the fatigue the last few months ... I must admit I feel all that ... I think I have never been so productive in my life, and despite the fatigue, I always really want to work, the better to create ... And when I'm tired, but I would like to continue in my work, here in a bit to not get angry, as I understand it's time to pull out and rest a while '!
Even this morning I am making paperwork with the maps of the thesis, because just the other night, even from my room purple of Trieste, I found a curious map of the Monastery of Aquileia in 1887 with many, to be exact, 32, beautiful (but only in my eyes, I think) in my own beloved graves braida of Pila. Then a little 'work and some additions to the thesis, but in stand-by, because otherwise I can definitely nun je ago' !
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
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We can fight anyone, with the hope and the chance to win, but we can not rage against life, because the will always win.
against her can only strive to play a better game.
Monday, December 20, 2010
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Friday, December 17, 2010
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And finally, here came the snow! Rabbits in the garden and on ... Eh eh eh! Objectively Leilina beautiful there got nothing left petrified by the new location, but perfectly photogenic ... Her beautiful, I love! While Yu 'ran like crazy to make real leaps and look for the little bunny' of grass not yet whitened, he appreciated his tantissimo, tanto che mi sa che la riporto giù!! Obi invece cercava di togliersi la neve da dosso ogni due minuti, a sgrollarsi sta roba bianca e pulirsi le zampine sante!! Tre pelosi, tre mondi a parte... Vi amo!!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
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We then switched to reflect the vision tommasiana free will and its difficult synthesis between voluntarism and intellectualism to reach the radical voluntarism that emerges in minimalism Occam.
after the second meeting shows praise of human freedom in Pico della Mirandola and astrological determinism of modern times we have gone Pomponazzi , The voluntarism of Descartes and the various forms of determinism that arise after the scientific revolution like those of Spinoza and Hobbes, which have a large following even the French Enlightenment.
We concluded by outlining the Kantian solution that while not denying determinism "phenomenal," says the need to postulate the existence in practical matters of free will.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
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You know, I remember the day you left again just you and Obi, for As sorry for giving away the puppies, on the one hand I was happy, finally back to us, you know, the family that I had wanted to step by step, without those 6 little adorable and unexpected that wander around the house. Yes, I was still glad I was glad to finally have time for you, as the day that I saw for the first time and I was really sure I want you also to my family ...
Now that I understand, will not happen again, I promise. Although I always need a helping hand in order to be able more caress all three at once, I promise you that from today I will find all the time you need!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Spanish Sypathy Saying
B! shooting from the side! What codinoooo ... And zampotteeee! I adore you, beautiful mother! ^ _ ^
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
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Tuesday, November 30 has been approved by the House the draft law on rules for the organization of universities, academic staff and recruitment, as well as enabling Government to enhance the quality and efficiency of the university system, which will land in the Senate on December 9 .
FUCI recognizes the malaise of the Italian university and its urgent need of reform, a reform that does not consider it as a mere item of expense, but is willing to invest in it, recognizing it as a key resource for the country . But more than that our university system needs attention of a political class that cares the future of youth and education, because the future of our country go from there, from university classrooms.
We express our support for all those who, having at heart the situation of the University, are found these days in many Italian cities, to peacefully demonstrate their opposition.
At a time when it should no longer be necessary to resort to violence to assert their rights, we consider it necessary to stigmatize any form of gratuitous violence, we are convinced that only through dialogue can be born healthy and strong legacy for future generations and that the violence nothing remains except the negative roots. Employment is a novelty of the artistic heritage of monuments - the Italian cultural: it is a definite signal to spread from the enhancement of cultural richness for the whole country?
These events attract liability to those who should have discussed before and at different times these draft laws. And 'controversial in fact the political expediency of a reform adopted in a period of great political uncertainty and on the eve of a vote of confidence. And if the university has become the field of conflict and revenge among political parties and corporations, we do not we are. Instead, we are in favor of a mobilization that will shake the torpor of a country that does not consider the university as a "question" of all.
Concerning more specifically the bill, given the linear cuts of resources from the Minister Tremonti, the law mandated the government delegation, the regulations that universities should draw up, as we note the proposals contained therein are in fact at risk of partial implementation.
We may, therefore, to express a final view after the approval in the Senate, but we can highlight some critical points.
The system of research assessment: the text makes no clarity on the criteria that will be used to check the efficiency of teaching and research by the Ministry and ANVUR.
term research: the anticipation of so-called system of "tenure-track" that would allow researchers, after a period of up to 6 years, to become associate professor, contrasts with the lack of resources devoted to these research contracts. What could be a standard of excellence and innovation in favor of the most talented researchers, is in danger of turning into an ax against them in case they are not the resources they need.
Right to Education: A broad delegation to the government clears the requirements to enhance meritocracy and make effective the right to study, without any effect on the Fund that was established by the reform is nothing but a empty container.
Governance: the entry of elements from outside the university in the Board of Directors of the different universities will have to be balanced by a clear definition of roles, powers and composition of the two governing bodies: the Academic Senate and Board of Directors. In fact, the bill underestimates the difficulty of finding independent figures available to take responsibility for administrative management Universities. We also need to enhance student representation in these colleges.
Availability of funds: a reform that could be defined as serious and viable requires certain funds and economic resources. As in other European countries the tendency is to not touch the items of expenditure on education, especially in Italy are the School and the University to be affected by the cuts made by the Government. The lack of availability of finance makes a lot of empty statements contained in the text of the reform.
From university students are not willing to remain passive in the face of deadlock prevailing in, for too long, the Italian university, nor are we inclined to reject any proposal that is submitted. 'S why we ask the Minister of Education to establish a table to bring together representative groups, political and non-university students to jointly develop and careful series of steps that allow a rebirth of the University. Those with public responsibility to create the conditions for democratic debate and careful and inclusive.
We are convinced of the need for such an instrument and that is why we turn directly to the Minister Gelmini, which we ask: "Called immediately this table. Not tomorrow but today. "
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While today, Thursday, November 25, continues in plenary consideration of the bill, approved by the Senate, and proposed legislation on standards for the organization of universities, academic staff and recruitment, as well as enabling Government to enhance the quality and efficiency of the university system (approved by the Senate), the FUCI continues to follow with deep sympathy and heartfelt concern about the parliamentary process, the initiatives connected with it, the mobilization of the academic world.
Da giovani universitari che amano il loro Paese non rimaniamo passivi spettatori della condizione in cui versa l’Università italiana ma allo stesso tempo non siamo inclini a seguire gli slogan del momento o a demolire proposte e Istituzioni. La passione che nutriamo per l’Università ci chiede un’attenzione e una cura maggiori volte ad animare una critica costruttiva fatta di studio e di confronto. Il numero monografico settembre/ottobre 2010 di Ricerca, il bimestrale della nostra Federazione, cui hanno contribuito docenti e studenti e dedicato all’università, alla riforma, al confronto del sistema italiano con altri in giro per il mondo, all’orientamento e alla scelta universitaria, si pone nel solco di questa consapevolezza.
A noi preme ricordare e rendere protagonisti, in questo grave momento per l’Università nel nostro Paese, tutti gli studenti – davvero molti anche quelli aderenti alla nostra Federazione – che dal nord al sud d’Italia sono ancora pending the start of their lessons. A situation of absolute seriousness that compromises the effectiveness of the right to study. express our disappointment that there is talk of reform by putting his hand to a large cut of resources and consider the University as an expense item and not as an investment for our country and ask, renewing our readiness participation, to reopen a dialogue between institutions and members of academia, including students.
At this time in the House, the amendment in amendment, the text is undergoing extensive changes. This is a clear sign of a split on the subject of strong universities. We hope instead we can find a serene and peaceful work, leading to a full and unanimous agreement on amendments to the text of the bill. Unfortunately, the situation is very confusing and the uncertainty of contingency policy is likely to affect the outcome of the parliamentary work on a topic of great significance for the present and the future of our country.
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my boys, but where will it end? Question of fact? Yes, maybe, but never was more suitable to describe the period in which we live ...
I turn on the TV and hear of this poor girl, Yara, who did not return home from the hall where he trained in rhythmic gymnastics. Of course my mind immediately goes to Sarah, the other teenager disappeared, which we now know the sad end.
And husbands who kill their wives, mothers who kill their children, trusted friends who are guilty of some kind of brutality ...
But what happens? Maybe the world is running troppo veloce e noi non riusciamo ad adattarci realmente a ciò che offre?
Emancipazione, libertà, indipendenza... Forse quando questi erano solo concetti astratti ognuno conosceva il proprio ruolo e la propria strada e non se ne discostava. Ora le opportunità sono molteplici, così come le reazioni...