training school in Ragusa Dear Fucini,
is approaching the School of Education this year will be held from October 29 to November 1 in the city of Ragusa , entitled "cursed South Pictures, contradictions and hopes of a land in search of an author." A strong slogan to put the focus of reflection the "southern question," but even more, the story of a land whose existence is perpetually poised between the wonder and disenchantment.
'll open our work with a session on the theme "For a country united. Italian Church and the South. " Which country and what the South. With the help of Don Antonio Sciortino, editor of Famiglia Cristiana, we focus on the important contribution of the Italian bishops have given us in February. Twenty years from the first document that the world church dedicated to the problem of national inequality we will ask ourselves what are the causes of the persistence of the southern problem and draw new energies such as to promote a genuine development of the country.
With the session "The other side of the South: the past and present of the South" traces, together al prof. Giuseppe Savagnone e al prof. Massimo Lo Cicero, le tappe fondamentali che nella storia hanno reso la condizione meridionale un annoso e spinoso problema. Dall’interventismo statale all’oblio del Sud da parte della politica e dei media: quale nuovo Mezzogiorno sogniamo da giovani studenti universitari? Quali sfide per uno sviluppo economico alternativo?
La tavola rotonda sarà l’occasione per stilare “l’inventario delle speranze nel Sud delle contraddizioni”, insieme al dott. Nino Amadore, al dott. Vincenzo La Monica, alla prof. Giuliana Martirani e a don Maurizio Viviani. Il profondo radicamento della criminalità organizzata, i massicci flussi migratori, i determinanti cambiamenti geopolitici e, Finally, an educational system in crisis are some of the biggest brakes in the South to which we respond with new decision tracking and encouraging signs of hope.
A national event that reclaims until the end of his name: we wish, in fact, share with you two days of intense training. Since the intervention of Dr. Vincent Gulino, psychologists, we lay the foundation for fully understanding the meaning of the relationships that we live every day in our groups. Follow the division in the three laboratories (coordination and management of public relations, advertising and promotion Federal, resource management and organizational management) which will provide to each and every opportunity made to deepen the skills of local service. Very rich
will also be the liturgy of the Training School with lectio divina led by Don Paolo La Terra, the Sunday Eucharistic celebration presided over by Father Armand Matthew and the closing Eucharistic celebration presided by Archbishop Paul Urso.
Please note that participation is not restricted to members Fuci to the contrary, can be a wonderful opportunity to invite new people to experience the atmosphere that animates the Federation, which combines a serious reflection on current in an atmosphere of joyous friendship. On the site find the program of the School of Education and a range of materials that can help groups to prepare for your appointment.
See you in Dubrovnik!
The National President
Sarah, Albert, Mariarosaria, Andrea, Flavia, David and Don Armando