Friday, June 11, 2010

Wo Finde Ich Meine Plp Matlab

Rich Friday, June 18

Next weekend is full of meetings, all excellent opportunities to explore the various issues of legality, the fight against the Mafia on Titan to education law in schools, work on land confiscated Free association organized crime to the courageous work of our martyrs killed by the Mafia because of their heroic integrity moral to serve the state.

Personally I would like to participate in all these meetings in order to enrich my knowledge, but given the times I think I'll have to pick just one, since all will be held Friday, June 18. The members of VedoSentoParlo still try to split the events so that you can follow all of these important and interesting events in our reality, and in those bordering on it, will be: Friday, June 18

"If the illegality is intrusive legality is inviting "at RM25

Corso D'Augusto 241 Rimini, organized by 'Association Educhiamoci , Giuseppe Parente intervene (Freedom of Communication Rome, editor of the book "assets confiscated from the mafia: the power of signs") and Don Claudio (President of the Group of San Damiano and referent Free Rimini). Friday, June 18 21:00 "The new criminal infiltration (investment in tourism and trade)" at the Teatro Titano

, Piazza Sant'Agata - San Marino city (RSM), organized by the Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto , Speakers Crocetta (MEP), Lorenzo Diana (Caponnetto Foundation Director), Tondi Fortuna (businesswoman bell), Salvatore Calleri (Caponnetto Foundation President). Friday, June 18 21:00
meeting on the life and work of Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino
, the event is part of the 2nd edition of the series of meetings entitled "For example, ... Models and witnesses of possible ", to be held in Pesaro at the" Gardens Giulii ", and in case of bad weather at the Province of Pesaro and Urbino , in Gramsci, 4. The event is organized by the Province of Pesaro and Urbino, will be attended as witnesses Salvatore Borsellino, Maria Falcone, Esoh Elamé, as readers Valeria Alegi, Salvatore Alongi, Alessandra Giampaoli, Marco De Carolis lead Fraternale and Paola Meloni. At the end there will be a debate by the Free Land Association and the spark in the wind. The events are all very interesting, I urge our readers to promote them among friends and acquaintances to participate in one of them and write your impressions, I'm undecided on which one to choose.

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reflections on "criminal economy"

Thursday, June 3, a week ago, was held in Rimini, the Province at the meeting entitled "Economic Crime", which already had announced in a previous article on this blog.
, both locally (in Rimini and San Marino

), both in networked world, attracting the attention of many Rimini and San Marino on a topic of great importance, and little known, like the Mafia presence on our territory. The meeting also had the honor to raise issues relating to the confidentiality of investigations in the San Marino case law and to remember the plight of journalists on Titan. Galullo thank for having given an even more eco our meeting through the
his blog, we hope to soon have him back as a guest to continue to talk about the relationship between economy and organized crime. It 'nice to see that when dealing with honesty and respect for issues important to all citizens are able to obtain such positive results. It 'my opinion, argumentative and aggressive tones do not reach never results in which instead leads a honest and respectful dialogue in which all parties recognize the existence of a common problem and discuss how to fight together for the common good. The evening was also attended by journalist David Odo de "The information of San Marino, which these days has once again suffered
serious death threats because of his investigation into organized crime activities in San Marino. The association VedoSentoParlo expresses its total solidarity with the journalist and condemns the cowards who threatened him. Defend press freedom and the safety of the men who carry it is the duty of every citizen and every social group.
I got to appreciate and esteem the great intelligence, intellectual honesty and courage of David Oddone. I remember who threatens him that David is not alone, we are with him, and we are ready to prove it.